24 Apr 2013

What the.. 8 MONTHS!!??

Hello dudes and dudettes! Yep, that's right, it's me with an explanation of just what the heck happened to this interesting idea of a blog. Well, as with many projects I set out on, it's a labour of love which means that when work stuff happens, my projects suffer. As well as this blog, I'd also started a webcomic over at http://zackandgrig.blogspot.co.uk/ ands had intended to run both at the same time, with the cartoon as a weekly update and a monthly post here.

Well, that was the intention anyway. During the time of my last post however, I took a new job which I thought would be good for me all round but instead turned out to be a bad move. Needless to say my projects suffered. Finally, the dust from having to change job twice in a short time has just about settled. I think.

So, if you're still reading this thing or if you stumbled here or Googled or whatever, then pop back, as I'm hoping to return to the wonderful world of blogging and so on fairly soon. I'll be sitting down sometime this week to jot down a vision for this thing and start it up again, especially as I've had a few ideas on the direction I'd like this blog to go. Who knows, might actually be worth reading! Stay tuned, see you soon.

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