Hi there. Most have you have probaly found this blog because I popped a link up somewhere, so thanks for taking the time to come and read this thing. If you think someone might like it, please do me a favour and share a link. So now you're here, I suppose you'd like to know what it's all about.
In short, it's a blog about theology and videogaming from the perspective of a British Christian. I'm quite a philosophical chap at times, and sometimes I'll come up with something that I feel would be good to share with others regarding either my faith, my love of the videogaming medium or both. I know I'm not the first to do this of course, but many of the other sites I've visited have been American run or American focused and while they are good sites it's evident that their culture is different to mine. Our politics are different, our language is different and the way we do things is different. When I could not find a good ol' British website about gaming and faith, I decided to set this up. Who knows, it might actually go somewhere.
I picked the name of this site after I had a bit of a pray about it. It's inspired by 1 Corinthians 13. No, not the bit about love that get quoted at every church wedding ever, the bit after. Verses 9 to 12. Verse 12 in particular.
I felt these verses appropriate for both my faith and gaming. Verse 12 in the King James Version reads "For now we see through a glass darkly". When you play a game, you stare through a screen into someone else's vision to find your part in the tale they have to tell. In Christianity, we stare through scripture into God's vision, and find out our part in the tale he has to tell. I reckon both can help us discover about ourselves in the process. We are gazing through that darkened mirror to see what's reflected back at us.
There isn't really an update schedule for this blog. At least, not yet. I'm guessing at least once a month or so should be enough to keep the archive and myself happy. I'll be honest, I'm not sure where this thing is going to go. But you're most welcome to join me as I stare into the screen to discover what I can see....
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